
Jw congregation
Jw congregation

She does not pressure her husband to work overtime. Her way of doing things is marked by prudence and economy. She cooperates with her husband in financial matters. A foolish woman likely squanders her family’s hard-earned resources. … There is also the matter of being economical. 5:22) This statement in no way suggests an undignified position. ““Let wives be in subjection to their husbands as to the Lord,” wrote the apostle Paul. Whilst it is said subjection to men is not undignified, Watchtower makes it so encompassing that it is hardly anything but. Image and Quote Source: Keep Yourselves in God’s Love (2015) Appendix “Head Coverings​ - When and Why?” Wifely SubjectionĪ submissive wife submission is praised. “Occasionally, though, circumstances may require that a Christian woman be called on to handle a duty normally performed by a qualified baptized male… Because such activities are really extensions of the Christian congregation, she would wear a head covering to acknowledge that she is handling the duty normally assigned to a male.” Where no brothers are available to handle teaching assignments, leaving no option other than a sister filling to role, she is required to wear a head covering as demonstration of her submission to the headship arrangement. When I was living at Bethel, sisters were forbidden from sitting at the foot or head of the dining room tables out of respect for brothers, a purely misogynistic rule without any Scriptural support. Watchtower extends this concept to truly pedantic extremes, such as changing the song “Guard Your Heart” to “We Guard Our Hearts” in the 2016 edition of “Sing Out Joyfully” because when sisters sang “guard your heart” brothers may be offended they were being told what to do by women.

jw congregation

The following tv.jw.org snapshot was from March 2019. This is graphically illustrated by viewing the videos on JW Broadcasting, which are hosted only by brothers, predominantly older white men. Sisters are not to teach brothers in spiritual matters, with only brothers given teaching assignments. Image Source: Watchtower 2013 Apr 15 p.29

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The most senior position for women is that of pioneer, and whilst presented as a privilege is really just a sales role utilising free labour to grow the religion. Sisters fill only the very bottom position of the organisational hierarchy. I am going to make a helper for him” … You wives, be in subjection to your own husbands…” Watchtower 2010 May pp.12-13 Study Ed.Īll leadership roles within Jehovah’s Witnesses are filled by men.

jw congregation

After Adam was created, Jehovah God went on to say: “It is not good for the man to continue by himself. “Women, Why Submit to Headship? … The headship arrangement is of divine origin. Watchtower uses Paul’s comment that “The head of a woman is the man”​ ( 1 Cor 11:3) t o demonstrate how women are to view men both in marriage and the congregation. Image Source: Watchtower 2009 Jul 15 p.9 The Headship Arrangement Being aware of this will help you avoid undervaluing your abilities, and be alert to sexist men using such views to victimise you on the basis of your gender.

jw congregation

If you are a girl growing up in a Witness family, your self worth is being diminished by Watchtower’s view of women. Watchtower portrays sisters demeaningly as “belonging in the kitchen.”

jw congregation

Only males are permitted to hold positions of responsibility and teaching in the congregation. Jehovah’s Witnesses are a patriarchal society where women are to view men as their head.

Jw congregation